Osakabe no Mototsugi (刑部本継)

OSAKABE no Mototsugi (years of birth and death unknown) was a person who led a garrison called 'the Natori Garrison' in Mutsu Province (present Miyagi Prefecture) in the 9th century. In 862, he was created Ge-jugoinoge (Junior Fifth Rank, Lower Grade, given to persons outside Kyoto).

The March 15 of Jogan 11 (869) Section of "Nihon Sandai Jitsuroku" (sixth of the six classical Japanese history texts) reads that OSAKABE no Sukune no Mototsugi, daiki (Commander-in-chief) of the Natori Garrison, together with ABENOMUTSU no Nagamune of Shibata-gun Gon Dairyo (Provisional Chief Administrative Officer of Shibata County), was conferred Ge-jugoinoge. Prior to promotion, Mototsugi had been created Shorokuinojo (Senior Sixth Rank, Upper Grade). It can be assumed that Shibata County was part of areas, from which solders for the Natori Garrison were recruited. Other details about Mototsugi are unavailable.

[Original Japanese]